
Various instruments are available, and my musical instrument of choice is the piano.

My mom told me that one day, at age 4, I sat down at the piano and began to play. Simple, easy but nevertheless, a song. Thus began my lifetime love affair with the piano! Lessons commenced and practicing was a joy. Hours would pass and I would still be playing the piano.

Music has been and continues to be, a major part of my life.

The music in the tenderness of a lover’s voice plays a gentle melody in our hearts. A child’s first words cause our emotions to fly and soar as we experience overwhelming joy. Our ears are the instruments that enable us to hear those precious sounds.

Gazing at the majesty of a sunrise or sunset fills us with awe.

The intricate patterns found on each snowflake cause us to stop in amazement when considering each snowflake has been individually and uniquely designed!

The innocence of a child’s face, the diamond sparkles of ice on tree leaves, the steam rising from a boiling kettle – these are a few blessings we receive from our eye instrument.

We touch and feel the velvet softness of a rose petal. The warmth of clothes from the dryer. Corduroy ridges of a shirt, the smoothness of silk.

The body is an instrument made up of many instruments to give life amazing and awesome music of many varieties.

Copyright © 2022 Judy McKinney The Written Word All Rights Reserved.


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